SD83 Farmer Food Boxes

SD 83 schools are able to take part in a monthly protein and vegetable box supplied by local farmers. These boxes are being made available to increase the affordability and access to nutritious foods for families, while also supporting local farmers. Boxes will also include recipes to help with some ideas for using the ingredients.

1. Who can participate? This program is open to all SD 83 families.

2. How do we order? Boxes are ordered and paid for online.

Meat Box:

Veggie Box: FAQ here. Order here.

3. There is a discount option: While any family in SD 83 can participate, each school has a limited number of subsidized boxes. Therefore, if families feel they can afford the full price, we ask that they please leave the subsidy opportunity for those who cannot. If needing this subsidy, please enter the promo code, SD83WINTER and then pay the remaining balance ($20 for veggies, $30 for meat). This discount will be covered by the Schools Family Affordability Fund.

4. Payment: E-transfer option is available for those who do not have credit cards.

5. Pick-up: Boxes are delivered to schools on a designated day for pick up by families after school during thefollowing times: 2:30-3:30 (elementary), 2:45- 3:45 (Middle) and 3:45- 4:45 (Secondary)

6. There is a need for volunteers to support: Schools will need a parent/guardian who will be present on the date of delivery to help ensure families who ordered boxes receive them. Please contact if you are able to volunteer to help with pick up at your school.

7. There is a limit: Due to the coordination involved in drop-off and pick-up, and the capacity of each volunteer and farmer, there will be a limit of 80 boxes per school (40 meat, 40 veggie). The online ordering site will show when the capacity has been reached and the boxes are sold out.

8. What if I miss picking up my box? Due to limited capacity of volunteers, any boxes not able to be picked up after school will be sent on to a local food charity for immediate use.